Plan Change 47 - Natural Hazards
Consultation has concluded.
Current status - Consultation for Plan Change 47 – The panel have formally closed the hearing for PC47 after carefully considering all the information presented to them. They have now commenced deliberations and will deliver their decision on the plan change as quickly as possible.
We’re in the process of updating our District Plan (the rules for land use and development in Upper Hutt) to address the risk from natural hazards. It’s called Plan Change 47 (PC47) and it has three distinct areas of focus: the Wellington Fault, Mangaroa Peatlands, Areas of High Slope Hazard. The proposed changes impact some properties in Upper Hutt.
Further submissions can be made by anyone in the community with an interest in Plan Change 47 – Natural Hazards, for example anyone who lives, works, or volunteers in the area.
You can find all the details in the ‘Summary of Submissions’ document in the 'PC47 Further Submission Material' folder. If you decide to make a further submission, you will also need to send a copy to the person who made the original submission no later than five working days after you submit it to us.
You can find all the information relating to the first round of submissions in the Supporting Information section under “Submission Material'.
Make a submission
- Complete the online further submission form (Form 6) below.
- If you'd prefer to print and send, download the Form 6 in the Supporting information section and once complete, you can email this to, drop it into us at the HAPAI Service Centre, or send it to Upper Hutt City Council, Private Bag 907, Upper Hutt 5140.
- If you would like to make more than two further submissions, download ‘Form 6’ in the 'Further Submission Material' folder and send it to
Request support - if you need a hand working through the supporting information for further submissions, please contact the Planning team at or call 04 527 2169.
Please note that your submission (or part of your submission) may be struck out if the authority is satisfied that at least one of the following applies to the submission (or part of the submission):
- it is frivolous or vexatious
- it discloses no reasonable or relevant case
- it would be an abuse of the hearing process to allow the submission (or the part) to be taken further
- it contains offensive language
- it is supported only by material that purports to be independent expert evidence but has been prepared by a person who is not independent or who does not have sufficient specialised knowledge or skill to give expert advice on the matter.
Further submissions close at 5.00 pm on 22 February 2023.
Following an early engagement phase in 2021, we’re now calling for submissions on PC47. A Plan Change is a public process involving research, evaluation and consultation with our community.
Letters have been sent to all landowners affected by the proposed plan change which would:
- Introduce a definition for Hazard Sensitive Activities, Potentially Hazard Sensitive Activities and Less Hazard Sensitive Activities.
- Update natural hazard objectives, policies, rules and mapping that relate to the Wellington Fault.
- Introduce natural hazard objectives, policies, rules and maps relating to the proposed High Slope Hazard Overlay and Poor Ground Conditions Overlay in Mangaroa. The current District Plan provisions do not address these two hazards.
- Update the earthworks and subdivision provisions in relation to natural hazards.
- Less Hazard Sensitive Activities are permitted in the Wellington Fault, High Slope Hazard and Poor Ground Conditions Overlays.
- Hazard Sensitive and Potentially Hazard Sensitive Activities in the Wellington Fault Overlay would require resource consent.
- Subdivision within the Wellington Fault Overlay would need to consider the risk associated with the subdivision and fault rupture.
- All earthworks for building platforms for identified Hazard Sensitive Activities would need resource consent in the High Slope Hazard Overlay.
- All subdivisions in the Poor Ground Conditions Overlay would require resource consent.
Our interactive online map shows highlights the natural hazard areas. Click on the image below or here and search an address to see how this proposal impacts your property.
Read the supporting information on this page and then make a submission.
You can make a submission online using the form below, or in writing through the following channels. Submissions play an important role in shaping the decisions we make for land use and development in Upper Hutt.
- Email -
- In person - at either Upper Hutt City Council (HAPAI Service Centre) or both Upper Hutt libraries.
- Post - Plan Change 47 – Natural Hazards, Upper Hutt City Council, Private Bag 907, Upper Hutt 5140
You must complete a Submission Form (Form 5) and you must say whether you wish to be heard on your submission. An online submission form is below, or you can download a copy from the Submission Material section.
Anyone can make a submission on the proposal, but if you could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then you can only submit if you are directly affected by an effect of the proposal that:
- adversely affects the environment; and
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact
We held a public Zoom session on 10 October for residents to ask their questions. A recording of the session can be found on the right hand side under Videos.
Submissions close at 5.00 pm on 4 November 2022.
The Wellington Fault
The Wellington Fault is currently shown in the District Plan as part of a 40m wide corridor. As a result of further investigation by GNS Science, the position of the Wellington Fault is now better understood and the location and extent has changed in some areas.
We are proposing to update the District Plan maps to identify the current understanding of the fault position. This would result in a plan change for the Wellington Fault and other natural hazards, with changes to the rules for development in these hazard prone areas.
Our interactive online map viewer where you can zoom in and see the existing position of the Wellington Fault Band, and the proposed Wellington Fault Overlay in relation to your property is available below.
Mangaroa Peatlands
We've identified the Mangaroa Peatlands as having poor ground conditions for new buildings due to settlement of the peat soils. This hazard was identified by Coffey Geotechnical Engineers and a copy of their report can be found in the Supporting Information section (note, this document is very large and will take a while to load depending on your internet connection).
This plan change will introduce rules for new subdivision or residential development within the Peat Overlay. It is important that new development is managed in this area to ensure that future buildings are designed in a manner to address the risks associated with settlement due to the poor ground conditions in the Peat Overlay.
You can access our interactive online map viewer below, where you can zoom in and see the position of the Peat Overlay in relation to a specific property.
The proposed plan change will not impact existing dwellings or buildings. Rather it is focused on ensuring the risk from the poor ground conditions does not increase as a result of future development. This means that new subdivisions and dwellings within the Peat Overlay would be required to go through the resource consent process to determine whether the risk as a result of the poor ground conditions is appropriately mitigated.
High Slope Hazard
We’ve identified the portions of the city that have a high slope hazard. New building platforms in this area have the potential to impact the stability of the hillside. This means that new building platforms for dwellings in this area will be required to go through the resource consent process to ensure that the stability of the hillside is not impacted by development.
This hazard was identified by Coffey Geotechnical Engineers. You'll find their report in the Supporting Information section (note, this document is very large and will take a while to load depending on your internet connection).
You can access our interactive online map viewer below, where you can zoom in and see the position of the High Slope Hazard Overlay in relation to a specific property.
Interactive online map viewer
Click here or on the image below to access our interactive online map viewer where you can zoom in and see the position of the Wellington Fault Band, the Peat Overlay or the High Slope Hazard Overlay in relation to a specific property.