Maidstone Park Trust
Consultation closed on 24 February 2022.
Tell us what you think about our proposal to create a new charitable trust for Maidstone Park.
The Maidstone Community Sports Hub project is well underway thanks to funding from the Government’s COVID-19 recovery response infrastructure programme and council.
Now we’re looking ahead to make sure that once complete, we have the right model in place to manage the facilities, and to support the organisations that use the park.
We’ve assessed several options to determine the best approach and we think establishing a Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) to provide and promote sporting, recreation, play and leisure opportunities for the community at Maidstone Park, is the best option.
We’d like to hear what you think.
Follow the steps below to make a submission.
Step One - Read the proposal
Read through the Statement of Proposal. This explains the background and issues identified, along with the options considered.
The Statement of Proposal and post-paid paper submission forms are available at Council reception, Upper Hutt Libraries (Central and Pinehaven), and Whirinaki Whare Taonga.
Step 2 - Make a submission
You can either:
Complete the online submission form on this page
Download and print a PDF submission form and email it to
Complete a post-paid paper submission form and send it to us at the address supplied on the form.
If you would like your name to be withheld from the public documents, please indicate this in your submission.
Step 3 (optional) - Speak with us
You can also share your feedback with Councillors, at a dedicated hearing meeting. If you would like to do this, please let us know on your submission form and we will send you details of the meeting closer to the time.
Unfortunately we can't hold public events in person during the red traffic light setting but if you'd like to have a chat with a member of the team before you make your submission, please contact us at
Feedback closes at 5pm on 24 February 2022.