Additional FAQs following consultation extension
How do these errors relate to all the other numbers in the Consultation Document?
The calculations for the data were used as additional information in the Activity Funding Changes section only.
The overall year one proposed rate increase (19.93%) and the first-year savings for activities shown in this section remain unchanged.
No other figures in the Consultation Document were affected.
Extended timeframes - what does this mean for existing submitters?
Existing submissions do not need to change but can be added to or replaced. You can do this via the updated online submission form, or if you need other assistance regarding an existing submission, please contact letskorero@uhcc.govt.nz
I have already made a submission, can I make another one, or replace the one I have already sent through?
Yes, you can make additional submissions. There is a new question at the start of the submission form to let us know whether this is an addition to an existing submission or a replacement of your previous submission (or a new submission if you had not already made one). All existing submitters who provided email addresses have been contacted to advise them of the correction and extension to the consultation period.
What about the hearings?
The proposed hearings for 13 and 14 May will go ahead for those who have selected these dates. For submissions received after 2 May during the extension period, an additional hearing time has been scheduled for 21 May.
What are Development Contributions and who pays them?
Development Contributions are paid for the development of new houses or business buildings, they are paid by the developer to fund the infrastructure required because of growth.
These are not paid for by existing households or business buildings or other ratepayers. The increase in Development Contributions proposed per new building will mean less of the cost of growth will be paid by existing ratepayers.
Where do I find more information to understand what is proposed?
The brochure (2 pages sent to all households) was used to inform and alert the community of the consultation taking place. The Consultation Document (55 Pages) is the legally required summary of the consultation information.
The Consultation Document is underpinned by the full supporting information for the Long Term Plan 2024-2034. These documents (322 pages) can be downloaded either as a consolidated document or individual document. There are also two concurrent consultations underway on the Development and Financial Contributions Policy and Council fees and charges. This information is also available.
All the consultation information and documents described above are available at letskorero@upperhuttcity.com/ltp or at the Council’s Libraries, Whirinaki and Council office.
Have you looked at maximising efficiency within Council to cut costs and reduce rates rises?
As part of the preparation of the Long Term Plan, all activity areas and costs within Council operations have been investigated and efficiencies sought.
Page 12 of the Consultation Document identifies that this included “reviewing our operating model to reduce costs and ensure we are continuing to deliver value for money” in addition to the five specific areas in pages 16-22 of the consultation document.
Leadership costs, why are you spending $56.8 million on leadership costs over the next 10 years?
Our leadership activity covers a range of functions prescribed by legislation. This includes a range of activities such as leadership for the community, governance and advocacy, strategy and policy, planning and reporting (annual plan, annual report etc.), communications and engagement, and partnerships with various stakeholders including Māori.
- Infrastructure Strategy - This outlines the significant infrastructure issues, options to address these issues, and Council’s planned investments and projects including asset renewals and upgrades for the next 30 years.
- Financial Strategy - this strategy includes statements on fiscal prudence, balancing the budget, quantified limits on rates, differential rate changes, rates increases and debt headroom, borrowing capacity and limits, all of which are outlined in the consultation document.
- Prudence ratios – this sets out Council’s planned financial performance in relation to various benchmarks to enable the assessment of whether Council is prudently managing its revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, and general financial dealings.
- Financial Statements - These underpin the summary financial information including rate and debt limits presented in the Consultation Document. The underlying financials include Council-wide Funding Impact Statement.
- Significant Forecasting Assumptions – represents the important trends and projections expected to affect the Long Term Plan. These assumptions were used to provide a common set of data and direction used in developing the plan.
- Groups of Activities– The attachment includes information on what activities we undertake, and why, challenges for each activity, and our plans for the next ten years. The groups of activities attachment includes funding impact statements by activity, capital programmes by activity and performance measures for each activity.
- Performance Management Framework– sets out how we will monitor the performance of Council activities, the work, programmes undertaken, and to ensure efforts contribute to our purpose and Community Outcomes.
- Revenue and Financing Policy - The Statement of Proposal for the Draft Revenue and Financing Policy (including the draft policy) has been prepared on the basis of Council direction, and key changes to the 2024 policy have been outlined in the Statement of Proposal.
- Rates Remission and Postponement Policy - The Statement of Proposal for the Draft Rates Remission and Postponement Policy (including the draft policy) has been prepared on the basis of Council direction, and key changes to the 2024 policy have been outlined in the Statement of Proposal.
- Significance and Engagement Policy - the policy has two minor amendments and is included in the Supporting Information for completeness.
How does the number of Councillors affect rates paid?
The number of Councillors does not affect the cost ratepayers pay as the salary pool for Councillors is set externally by the “Remuneration Authority” and is the total pool of money shared between the councillors, independent of the number of councillors. If there were less Councillors, they would each be paid more but the cost to ratepayers would remain the same.
What is the Consultation Document?
The Consultation Document proposes how we focus on what matters most to our communities and provides information you need to make an informed submission. It is important to outline significant matters of the LTP in a concise, summarised format that is easy to read and understand. Additional detail on what’s contained in the Consultation Document can be found in the Supporting Information. Before we lock anything into the LTP, take some time to consider our options and tell us what you think.
Where can I get a Consultation Document?
The Consultation Document will be available at Central and Pinehaven Libraries, Council reception (Civic Centre), Whirinaki Whare Taonga from early April and online from 2 April. You can also give your feedback through the submissions button on this page.
When does the consultation open?
Public consultation for the LTP will open from 2 April to 2 May. A brochure outlining our plans will be delivered to all homes in Upper Hutt.
How do I make a submission?
You can submit online using the submission form on this page. This includes all the questions we are asking and is a great way to make sure you don’t miss anything. Alternatively, you can provide a verbal submission in person at hearings on Monday 13 May (11am - 1pm, 1- 4pm, 4 - 7pm) or Tuesday 14 May (11am - 1pm, 1- 4pm). Hearings will be held at Council chambers. There will also be a number of engagement events for the community to kōrero with the Mayor and councillors about the LTP. Information on where you can meet with councillors will be available on this page from 2 April.
Why do I have to provide my contact details?
We need to ensure our responses to our submission form are verifiable to people in our community. Verification also helps us ensure we are getting a demographically representative sample of our community. This also allows us to contact you for the hearing process, if required.
Do I have to live in Upper Hutt for my feedback to be considered?
Your feedback will be considered if you are living outside of Upper Hutt.
What happens with my feedback?
At the conclusion of the submission period Council will deliberate on all the submissions received and make decisions on the final Long Term Plan accordingly. This is why it’s important that you tell us what you think about our plans and the options we have presented.
What is supporting information?
We have to make available all of the information we’ve used to develop the Long Term Plan, as is summarised and presented in the Consultation Document.